Communication, Conflict and Motivation

Fight the power

Don't just relay orders from your boss, be an advocate for your team and make sure that they're used effectively

Your role isn’t just to take and distribute orders. If that’s how you see it, you’re not adding much value. Part of your job is to protect a valuable asset for the company — your team — and make sure that it’s used as effectively as possible.

You’re better placed to do this than your boss. You’re closer to your team and to the work. You can tell if a request is unrealistic or unreasonable. You may have a better idea of how to achieve a goal. You know how your team are feeling. You know when they need stretching, and when they need relief.

Your boss is human too. They have bad ideas, make mistakes, forget things. They won’t always know best, or be aware of the impact they’re having on your team. You need to tell your boss when they’re hurting you or your team. Ask questions to help understand what they’re doing, and come with suggestions to make things better.

Not every boss is ready to be challenged directly, so tread carefully at first. Start with gentle questions. But start. You can’t manage well without managing up.

Take action


Challenge constructively

Not all of your boss's decisions will be brilliant. Be ready to constructively challenge them to get to a better outcome.

Fight the power


Encourage debate

You're not infallible. Open your decisions to discussion with your team and get better outcomes and better buy-in.

Invite dissent

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