Challenge constructively

Not all of your boss's decisions will be brilliant. Be ready to constructively challenge them to get to a better outcome.

In your next one-to-one with your boss, be ready to challenge them. If you’re already unhappy with something they’ve asked of you and your team, then spend some time marshalling your arguments. As in any conflict, go in prepared to listen and learn too. Think of questions you can ask that will better help you understand the background to their request, and that might help you get to a better solution together.

Help your boss understand why you think their request is unreasonable, and offer alternatives. (“We could do what you’re asking, but we’d have to delay Project X”)

Make a habit of giving your boss background information on how your team are feeling, not just what they’re doing. Are they happy? Productive? Confused? Overworked? Giving your boss more context will help them make better decisions about the work they allocate and the requests they make.

When to take this action

This action is from 'Fight the power' and should be used when you disagree with your boss, when you think your org is doing the wrong thing

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Encourage debate

You're not infallible. Open your decisions to discussion with your team and get better outcomes and better buy-in.

Invite dissent

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